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Для каждого знака год Козы готовит увлекательное путешествие, будьте готовы и не теряйте терпения. А мы постараемся помочь Вам в этом, представив подробные гороскопы для каждого знака. What should you expect in 2015? Which life is waiting for you in the coming year? The sign of Fire will reign this year. This time will be full of passion and bright emotions, strength and power. But don't wait for anything. It is your duty to do what you want and achieve the goals. No nature, nor something or somebody else will help you if you sit on one place and wait for a miracle. You are the real king of your life. So, what should you do during this year? If you are tired and confused - just relax. Do not overwork, don't do things that you don't like, go on a trip and so on. You will become satisfied inside of your soul and feel really good. During all these twelve months just pay as much attention to yourself as you can and do only things, which bring you pleasure. There are a lot of surprises and warnings for those of Air, Earth, Water and Fire signs. Each of you will have its own path this year, but nobody should lose passion and control over the world around. The signs of Air, which are Libra, Gemini and Aquarius will have enough time to think all things over. It is a good period of time not to be in a hurry in making decisions. Do everything slowly, do not hesitate. Be passionate doesn't always mean to burn like fire inside. It is also good when you do slowly what your heart belongs to. It is a good year to communicate, socialize with a lot of other people, help other and inspire them on doing what they want. As the sign of this year is fire, which is always fast and dangerous, behave calmly and do everything as slow as possible. Remember - there is no reason to be in a hurry. Also pay your attention to things you love. Get involved into such activities and develop yourself. As to the signs of Earth - such as Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo - the 2015 year may become a bit difficult. Yes, we all have difficulties, but particularly for these signs they will be easier to solve. There will be no one like you to solve problems better. Certainly, don't wait for difficulties to be resolved on their own. There will be such periods, when you will need to pull yourself together and reach your goal. Also be ready that there will be a number of barriers on your way to success. But you need to be strong and overcome everything. For the signs of Water - Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio - the next year will be full of energy and strength! You will have enough motivation to do all you want! Though you will have a lot of success and a lot of things well and easy done, be aware of becoming a dreamer. There must be some moment when you should stop for a while and keep calm. Visit your friends, see some new places - just relax. This year is a good chance to get a good progress in things, that you wanted before. There will be few barriers on your way and the nature is on your side! In the end of the year you will have a whole list of achievements behind your back! And remember - nothing comes on its own. So, you have earned everything that you have! And finally for the signs of Fire - as Sagittarius, Leo and Aries - this will be the most comfortable year ever. This is your natural area, where you may act as you wish. The main challenge for you is to choose reasonable goals and pay attention only to them. Don't do several works at one moment, or you will loose yourself and just fail. You will have plenty of energy during future twelve months, just don't spray it somewhere. The planets will help your sign not to lose energy all year round. A lot of surprises are waiting for you. You will also surprise those, who surround you. But do not become reckless, remember that some of the pleasant things and achievement are waiting for you somewhere near - just be in the right place when they come. Знаки зодиакаГороскоп с двенадцатью знаками зодиака вызывал интерес у людей еще испокон веков. Загадка того, что ждет нас в будущем, всегда рождает желание заранее узнать свой путь и предназначение. Мы всегда ищем ответы на вопросы, на которые наука не в состоянии ответить. Предлагаем вам ознакомиться с гороскопом на 2015 год.
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