Название: Redundant
Исполнитель: Green Day
Альбом: Nimrod
Год: 1997 Язык: Английский
We're living in repetition.
Content in the same old shtick again.
Now the routine's turning to contention,
Like a production line going over and over and over, roller
Now I cannot speak, I lost my voice.
I'm speechless and redundant.
'Cause I love you's not enough.
I'm lost for words.
Choreographed and lack of passion.
Prototypes of what we were.
Went full circle 'til I'm nauseous.
Taken for granted now.
Now I waste it, faked it, ate it, now i hate it.
Now I cannot speak, I lost my voice.
I'm speechless and redundant, 'cause I love you's not enough.
I'm lost for words, now I cannot speak.
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