My friend drove off the other day,
And now he's gone and all they say,
Is you gotta live cause life goes on
But now I see i'm mortal too
I can't live my life like you
Gotta live it up while life goes on
And I think it's alright
That I do what I like cause that's the way I wanna live
And so I give
And i'm still giving
And now I wonder about my friend
If he gave all he could give
Cause he lived his life like I live mine
If you could see inside my head
Then you'd start to understand
The things I value in my heart
You know that,
I know that,
Your watching me
Gotta make a plan
Gotta do what's right
Can't run around in circles
If you wanna build a life
But I don't wanna make a plan
For a day far away
While i'm young and while i'm able
All I wanna do is....
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