Название: Scumbag
Исполнитель: Green Day
Альбом: Shenanigans
Год: 2002 Язык: Английский
You come around every now and then
your clothes are different but you're still the same
why else would you come here
scumbag on a mission
you're telling me that it's been awhile
shitting your greed and a brand new lie
somebody let you come here
scumbag with permission
never thought I'd see the likes of you around this place
what's the special occasion did you run out of friends
here you are coming around again
and things are different but you still pretend
you've got a reason to come here
scumbag with ambition
and now you're telling me that things have changed
and you'll be leaving in a couple days
you're gonan change the world someday
scumbag with a vision
it must be nice to know you got it all figured out
but from where I'm sitting
it's the same thing again and again
you never stop to think before you open up your mouth
'cause everytime you do
it's the same thing again and again
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