Название: Do Da Da
Исполнитель: Green Day
Альбом: Shenanigans
Год: 2002 Язык: Английский
Every time I'm falling down
You take the repercussions
Headaches and anxieties
Advancing my frustrations
Rush into my depression
Sacrifice everything
Waste with me into nothing
Well now you're stuck with me
Hand up your soul to my wrist
And I'll vow my trust to you
Moving on and I always thought
I realized you've imagined
You take the repercussions
Headaches and anxieties
Advancing my frustrations
Rush into my depression
Sacrifice everything
Waste with me into nothing
Well now you're stuck with me
Hand up your soul to my wrist
And I'll vow my trust to you
Moving on and I always thought
I realized you've imagined
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