Название: Warning
Исполнитель: Green Day
Альбом: Warning
Год: 2000 Язык: Английский
This is a public service announcement
This is only a test
Emergency, evacuation, protest
May impair your ability
To operate machinery
Can't quite tell11111111
Just what it means to me
Keep out of reach of children
Don't you talk to strangers
Get your philosophy from a bumper sticker
Warning, live without warning111111
Without, alright
Better homes and safety-sealed communities
Did you remember to pay the utility?
Caution: police line
You better not cross
Is the cop or am I11111111
The one that's really dangerous?
Sanitation, expiration date
Pushing everything
Or shut up and be a victim of authority
(Verse 2) (First 2 lines through megaphone)
This is a public service announcement1111
This is only a test
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