Название: Fashion Victim
Исполнитель: Green Day
Альбом: Warning
Год: 2000 Язык: Английский
He's a victim of his own time
In his vintage suit and tie
He's a casualty dressed to the teeth
In the latest genocide11111111
The new seasons come and go
At the dog and pony show
Gonna sit and beg and fetch the names
And follow your dress codes
What's in a name, hey!
She's a scented magazine
Lookin sharp and livin clean
Livin well and dressed to kill
But she looks like hell to me111111
When you're dancing through your wardrobe
Do the anorexa-go-go
Cloaked with style for pedophiles
As your credit card explodes
Well you auctioned off your life
For the most expensive prize111111
Going once, going twice, it's gone
(youth crew)
What's in a name, hey!
What's in a name, hey!
What's in a name?
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