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Название: Temptation
Исполнитель: Moby
Альбом: Hotel
Год: 2005
Язык: Английский

    Heaven A gateway to hope Just like a feeling I need, it's no joke And though it hurts me To see you this way They traded by words I'd never heard To hard to say them Up, down, turn around; please don't let me hit the ground Tonight I think I walk alone to find my soul desire to go home [2x] Oh it's the last time, it's the last time Oh it's the last time, it's the last time Each way I turn I know I'll always try To break the circle That has been placed round me From time to time I find our lost Semeaning That was urgent To myself I don't believe Oh, up, down, turn around; please don't let me hit the ground Tonight I think I walk alone to find my soul desire to go home [2x] Oh it's the last time, it's the last time Oh it's the last time, it's the last time And I have never met anyone quite like you before And I've never met anyone quite like you before [2x] And I've never met anyone quite like you before Oh, up, down, turn around; please don't let me hit the ground Tonight I think I walk alone, to find my soul desire to go home And I never met anyone quite like you before Up, down, turn around; please don't let me hit the ground Tonight I think I walk alone, to find my soul desire to go home Up, down, turn around; please don't let me hit the ground Tonight I think I walk alone to find my soul desire to go home [2x]

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